Sunday, August 14, 2016

30-day Harry Potter Writing Challenge - Day 13: Site one moment in yourlife that you're willing to change by using a time turner.



The concept of the time turner had always amazed me... And indeed, there are certain things in my past that I longed to change, although not really. I don't do regrets. There are some what ifs, but I don't quite internalise on it. I always believed that things happen for a reason; but there are times when you just did something so stupid and you wish you could change that instantly and you wish to have a time turner with you... Then came Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

If you have watched the play or read the script book, you already know what I'm talking about... But if you haven't... Well, I suggest you read it first. You'll understand what I'm saying.

As much a possible I don't want to divulge any plot of the Cursed Child.. So I'll just go and answer the question... If I do have a time turner with me, I'll go back to the day of my high school graduation and urge myself to take a photo op with my best friends and not do the thing that I still feel stupid for doing... Give my high school crush a confession letter! I swear I'll steal that letter and burn it to ashes!

I wonder though, what could be the result of that... No, I don't want to think... I firmly believe I'll be happy wherever I'm going.

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